Fun in 3’s

The three year old class at MCNS is a fun environment where all aspects of the learning process are introduced! Teachers incorporate free play time, circle time, and outside/gross motor time. We explore math concepts including colors, shapes and numbers as well as the Language Arts concepts of name and letter recognition. Students will work to develop fine motor skills through activities such as cutting, tracing, painting and coloring. The 3’s class always enjoys gross motor activities like exercising, playing outside or even yoga. Throughout the year we also incorporate some science activities including raising our own butterflies and releasing them at the end of the year. This class is a great first experience to school and gets the students acclimated to the classroom environment in a warm and welcoming way. Lastly, teachers help guide the children through their social development by encouraging sharing, facilitating cooperative play and fostering friendships.

Fun in 3’s

$1700/2 Day T TH Class

2 Day program: Monday/Wednesday OR Tuesday/Thursday

$2350/3 Day (AM) M W F Class

$2350/3 Day (PM) T W TH Class

Both Morning Fun in Threes classes are taught by Jenna Towner with assistant Joanne Weber.

Afternoon Fun in Threes is taught by Amy Tschiderer with assistant Nora Nichols.


Erica Marple

Erica Marple

Playful Twos Teacher

Erica joins MCNS as our Playful Twos assistant.  She was first introduced to MCNS through her children; one current student and one alumni. Erica is a friendly face who enjoys working with the smallest MCNS kiddos. We are excited to have her join our team!

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Nora Nichols

Nora Nichols

Fun in Threes PM

Nora has been a familiar face in our school as an enrichment assistant for the past two years. This year she joins our PM 3s class as the teacher assistant. She grew up in Trumansburg NY. She has a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and Masters degree in Childhood Education from the University of Rochester. Nora currently lives in Honeoye Falls with her husband and two children, whom she has been fortunate to stay home with for the last eight years. Prior to motherhood, Nora was an educator in New York and Texas and worked for educational non-profits. She is a Girl Scout troop leader and enjoys reading and exploring local parks.

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Robbin Orr

Robbin Orr

Art & Science Teacher, Infinity & Beyond Enrichment, Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

Mrs. Orr has been with MCNS since 2023. She but comes with experience as a preschool and daycare teacher.  She is a welcome addition to the MCNS TK room and brings a warm smile and creative ideas to our oldest classroom. Robbin also assists in our enrichment programs where she lends helps extend our students day and create engaging experiences in both classes. When Robbin is not at MCNS, she enjoys spending time with her family.

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Jackie Lanzillo

Jackie Lanzillo

PM Pre-K Teacher

This will be Jackie Lanzillo's fifth year at MCNS, after she joined our team our with 13 years of preschool experience.  After wearing many different hats in the communications field and still actively involved with the American Red Cross Board of Directors, she fell in love with teaching preschoolers. Jackie and Kathy Carrozzi have been working together in PreK and bring a strong team and wealth of knowledge to MCNS. We are happy to have Jackie on board.  Her love for life and her students is contagious. When she is not working in the classroom, she enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter as well as supporting her Alma Mater, St. Bonaventure!

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Joanne Weber

Joanne Weber

Fun in Threes AM

2Joanne finds great joy working in the Fun in Threes!  She has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Utica College where she majored in Occupational Therapy.  After staying home with her 2 boys during their younger years, she began at MCNS in 2012.  She thoroughly enjoys helping children to develop confidence and foundation skills which are the building blocks for life-long learning.  Outside of school, Joanne spends a lot of time with her immediate and extended family.  Throughout the year, you can find she and her husband cheering on their sons at their many athletic events

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Amy Tschiderer

Amy Tschiderer

AM Pre-K Teacher, Fun in Threes PM

Amy Tschiderer grew up locally and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Childhood and Special Education from St. John Fisher College. Before MCNS, she had the great fortune to stay home and raise her two boys, both of whom attended MCNS. She is devoted to cultivating an environment which gives her students the best first experience to their school years.  Mrs. T. has been in several roles at MCNS, but is currently our PM Fun in Threes teacher and the assistant in the AM PreK class.  Amy is an active member in the MCNS and HFL community. When she is not at MCNS, she can be found at many of her boys sporting events or spending time with her husband, Steve.

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Anita Ricci

Anita Ricci

Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

This is Mrs. Ricci’s third year as the lead Transitional Kindergarten teacher.  Previously, Anita taught our enrichment Yoga class which she has successfully implemented into her TK classroom.  She comes with a multitude of early childhood experience including a permanent New York State certification in elementary education and a  Master’s Degree in Education.  Anita began her teaching career in the Hilton Central School District as a multi-age classroom teacher for 5 years.  For the past 20 years, she has enjoyed raising her 3 boys and taking care of several educators children during the school year.  In recent years, she became certified in yoga instruction for children.  She has a passion for early learning and combining the benefits of yoga into her classroom.  Anita brings a personal connection to her students at MCNS as she helps them grow and learn through encouragement.  In her free time, she enjoys playing with her 2 dogs, reading, yoga practice, hiking and spending time with her husband, Fred, and their three boys, Hayden, Anthony and Cole at plays/musicals as well as on the football field.

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Morgan DiMino

Morgan DiMino

Art & Science Teacher

Morgan comes to us after her own 3 children graduated from MCNS.  She has a degree in Education and multiple years as a daycare provider.  Mrs. DiMino teaches our enrichment classes and enjoys diving deeper into fun projects.  She provides lots of creativity and STEAM activities in our Art & Science enrichment.

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Monica Kelty

Monica Kelty

Playful Twos Teacher

Monica Kelty grew up in Phoenix, Az. and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from Grand Canyon University.  Prior to having her twin boys Monica worked as a Kindergarten teacher for eighteen years. The last nine years she has been blessed to stay at home and raise her twin boys. Monica has a passion for Early Childhood Education and wants to offer her students unique experiences every day that foster creativity, social and emotional growth and a genuine love for learning.  When she is not at MCNS, she can be found volunteering at Manor School and attending her boys various activities with her husband Ed.  Monica is an excellent addition to our Playful 2s program and we are excited to have her on board.

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Jennà Towner

Jennà Towner

Fun in Threes AM

Jennà Towner is our morning Fun in Threes lead teacher for both our 3 day MWF program and our 2 day TTH program.  She has served several roles at MCNS over the last few years including assistant teacher and enrichment teacher. Mrs. Towner holds an associates degree in Early Childhood Education from SUNY Cobleskill. Jennà has been involved in teaching preschool for the past 20 years, from North Carolina to New York State, and her favorite ages to teach are 3 and 4 year old children. She has two children of her own that keep her busy with sports, including coaching her daughters cheer leading team.

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Melissa Ricci

Melissa Ricci

AM Pre-K Teacher

Melissa Ricci is NY certified (Pre-K through 6) with a masters in elementary education from SUNY Brockport. Mrs. Ricci has been teaching PreK at MCNS since 2014 and has created the PreK curriculum based on her breadth of knowledge and teaching experiences specifically concentrating on zoo phonics. She was tenured in East Rochester School District before moving to Arizona. There, she stayed home to raise her 3 boys and became interested and involved in early childhood experiences. During that time, she began her career as the lead preschool teacher. She strives to create a first experience that will help the students be prepared and eager to go to school and be life-long learners. She creates a community in her classroom where the children will learn through hands on experiences in a warm and nurturing environment. Missy lives in Victor with her husband, Matt, their 3 boys; Sam, JT and Eli, (Eli is an MCNS TK alum)  along with their chocolate lab, Champ and their yellow lab, Buck. When she is not at our school, you can find her on the football and lacrosse fields or the wrestling mat cheering her boys on.

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Kathy Carrozzi

Kathy Carrozzi

PM Pre-K Teacher

This is Kathy’s fifth year at MCNS after coming to us new this year with 13 years of preschool experience.  A certified teacher, Kathy has taught in the Webster School District and has her permanent New York State certification and Master’s degree.  Kathy and Jackie Lanzillo come together as a well-loved team to teach our PM PreK.  Their passion and love for the students is evident in every special touch they add to their classroom. We are very excited about the knowledge and enthusiasm they bring to MCNS.  Kathy is a Victor resident who lives with her husband, her son who is away at college, and her daughter who followed in her footsteps and has just accepted her first teaching position. In her free time she enjoys crafting, spending time with her family.

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Start date

Wednesday, September 14

Years old

3 by December 1

Class size

10 Students

Class durataion

2 Day Class: T/TH 9:00-11:30.
3 Day Class: M/W/F 9:00-11:30
PM Class T/W/Th 11:45-2:15

Drop Off/Pick Up

Dropoff: 8:55 and 12:10

Class staff

1 Teacher, 1 Assistant

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